
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018


Animal Abuse Animal testing is the use of animals in scientific experiment. There are many people who disagree with that because they think that those experiments are really cruel for those animals becouse they suffer a lot. However, other people believe that the scientific experiments with animals are useful in the future to stop some disorders or diseases  and can have  health benefits. The bad thing about this is the fact that many of these animals have to be slaughtered because they will pobably have serious disorders or other diseases in the future. In my opinion, I believe that it is convenient to experiment with some animals without abusing of them and always with the purpose of finding scientific advances in medicine and trying to find health benefits for the human beings.

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This is a comment about this link  ONLINE SHOPPING  that it's aboun the shopping online Shopping online is easier for many people than shopping in the real shopping. Some people say that you can buy whatever you want in many websites. In addition you can find different prices on the webs and they can send the things at home. On the other hand, you can get the wrong thing item, it can take a long time to get the item you bought or they can take your money and not send you the item you bought. From my point of view, shopping online is better.


Last summer, in August I traveled to Switzerland with my family by plane. At first, we were very excited, the plane took off without any problem. Suddenly, after a while, the plane started to lose height, because of the heavy rain. We are quite worried and frightened. Inmediately, the flight attendants told us to keep calm because the problem with the plane had been solved by the pilot. After that, my family and I smiled and we started to be happy again. Fortunately, everything went well. The plane landed at the airport without any problem. We could enjoy the city and we had a great time. It was an unforgetable experience, however, I will never forget that fright.


The spanish group Love of Lesbian formed in 1997. The male members, Santi Balmes, Julian Saldarriaga, Jordi Roig, Ricky Falkner and Oriol Bonet, started playing together that year and participated in a song contest, to they finish in the second places. The name of the band Love of Lesbian accidentaly came becouse of the singer recorded a porn film of lesbian. They became internationally famous albums is La noche eterna and another album which won a golden album prize is El poeta Halley, with more tham twenty thousand sales. Their music style is Indie and they don't have any particular clothes or hair style


 - Hi, can I help you? +Yes, thank you, I was looking for some tight jeans.  - What is your size? + My size is medium  - Here you have these navy blue tight jeans do you like them? +Yes, I do, Can I try am?  - Yes, you can go to the changing rooms + Where are the changing rooms?  - They are on the left side of the shop + I love them!! They fit me  - Yes, they do but that colour doesn't suit you  + And do you have these jeans in other colours?  - No we are sorry, but tomorrow there will be new colours + Ok see you tomorrow